<aside> 💡 Questions for social media posts & articles (by Dickie Bush)


  1. What problem am I solving?
  2. Whose problem am I solving?
  3. What benefits am I unlocking?
  4. What promise am I making?
  5. What emotion am I generating?
  6. What's the next action my reader should take?

<aside> 💡 Questions for articles and newsletters (by Justin Welsh)


[What am I going to teach]

[Why does it matter to the reader]

[Why do most people fail]

[What are 3-5 action points the reader should take]

<aside> 💡 Questions for books, chapters, or articles (by Dr Nicole Janz)


  1. What’s the key message?
  2. Who needs to hear it the most?
  3. What objections against my argument will the reader have?